Steam & Soak™: a unique, organic pure spice blend used for Steam Inhalation & Soaking the feet.
Age: Safe and effective for all age groups.
• Eases sore throat & irritated throat
• Eases nasal congestion, itchy nose, allergies,
• Works on Sinus infection
• Controls allergies
• Controls headaches
• Induces good sleep
• Improves overall immunity
• Reduces effects of environmental/microbial pollutants
Ingredients: Lakadong, Bay leaf, Water Spinach, Stone Apple, All Spice, Salt
For people with acute chest congestion/ cold/ cough/ sinusitis :
•Inhale Steam & Soak feet two to three times in a day.
In COVID/ Bad Cold/ Influenza affected families :
•All non affected members should inhale Steam & Soak their feet atleast once a day
How to use Steam & Soak™: Spice Blend
Steam Inhalation Process© - Copyright of Maushumi Thakurta
1. For 2 litres of water, 2 heap teaspoonful of S&S Spice Blend ( about 18 GMs) is to be taken and added to the Steamy water
2. Steep it in low heat for another 2-3 minutes.( slow boiling)
3. Create a tent with a towel over your head, to inhale the steam.
You can also use the liquid mixture, in a vaporizer
Inhalation Process
1. Inhale steam through the mouth and breathe out through the nose - 5 to 6 times
2. Inhale steam through the nose and exhale through the mouth- 5 to 6 times
3. Place your right ear towards the steam and take the steam on the right ear. Fold the earlobe and let the back of the ears get the steam - 2 minutes
4. Do the same process for the left ear for 2 minutes
5. Lift the head up and let the steam warm up the neck area - 1 minute.
Steam Inhalation is completed.
- Use a dry towel to wipe off the moisture from face & neck.
- Immediately use a scarf or dupatta to cover the head, ears & neck.
Keep the head covered for at least Fifteen MINUTES.
Soaking Feet
- The same warm water after steaming can be used to soak the feet for 5 to 7 minutes.
- Wipe of the feet after soaking with a cotton towel
- Wear clean cotton socks immediately.
Keep the SOCKS ON for atleast 10 minutes.
For Gargle
- Add 1/2 teaspoonful ( about 4 GMs) of S&S Spice blend in 200 ml of water.
Boil in low heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
Cool it to the desired temperature and use it for gargle.
1. Keep the eyes closed during inhalation
2. Inhale Safely, be careful of burning/scalding