Bio enzyme based Natural Disinfectant Surface Cleaner. Concentrate- Shake well and Dilute before Use.
Contains Bio Enzyme, soapnuts and essential oils.
100% Natural, bio-degradable, environmentally safe. Lab-tested with disinfectant efficacy of 99.99%.
Effective against bacteria and virus.
Natural Disinfectant surface Cleaner
Dilute 1:10 and use for odour control of kids' or pets' soiled areas.
Floor Cleaner: 5 ml to 5 to 10 lt water.
Surface Cleaner: use 1 part peel extract to 10 parts water and wipe with cloth.
Laundry: 1:1 clear peel extract with soapnut liquid.
Keep away from sunlight and replace cap tightly after use.
Best before 2 years from date of manufacture.
Price inclusive of shipping