Whispers - A Symphony of Love

Sale price₹5,000.00



is a series of intercommunications from The Brighter World recorded by the scribe, Hélène Peyret, between 2012 and 2015, during the Monday sittings she received from her beloved Kamlesh (Daaji). Along with Hélène, Lalaji Maharaj, Babuji Maharaj, the Spiritual Entity of Parthasarathi, Swami Vivekananda, and after some time the Spiritual Entity of Kamlesh join the conversation each week. These messages are testament to the unique role of the scribe in recording the chorus of the Sahaj Marg Masters, and the enormous support we receive here on Earth from their united presence. The conversations also show dimensions of human existence that will certainly surprise you and expand your consciousness. This book is a precious must-read if you are a serious seeker of spirituality.

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